Friday, September 27, 2013

Art deco love

 This afternoon DH called me from an estate sale-he found two vintage sewing machines.  One was a Singer 15-91 and the other was a treadle.  I was really interested in the treadle but it was seriously rusty.  This one caught my eye though-look that that lovely art deco style!  The veneer is in terrible shape-they obviously used it as a plant stand and didn't protect the wood-even the back of the desk is messed up.  DH, however, thinks he can fix it up.  The little drawer on the left hand side actually has a pen tray and the original glass inkwell!  How could I not love this?  The stool is original as well and opens up for storage.  The serial number indicates it's from 1949.
This one isn't mine-I just grabbed it off someone's blog but see how  beautiful it could be?

1 comment:

Joy said...

Beautiful! DH is going to turn it into something amazing!


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