This morning, on the way back to work after fixing a server by putting the network cable in correctly, I finished knitting a Big Ole Cabled Scarf for DH. I used Encore Worsted in a (nice for him) maroon colour. (Hate maroon). I generally use a washable yarn for DH. It was an enjoyable knit and the pattern was easy to memorize. Even easy for me when my brain is full of fluff and baby. I slipped the first stitch of each row because that is what I generally do on scarves. About a foot in, I was sorry I did so but I was NOT going to rip and start over. In any case, DH is v. happy with the result and is already whining for more knitted love. He is such a Wool-Pig.
I was surprised I finished it this morning because I have been in the Knitter's Black Hole of Despair for so long. I wanted the scarf to be 72 inches and could never seem to finish those last 9. I measured today and it was nearly 81 inches. Oh well, at least it wasn't a sweater that needed to be ripped back!
I don't have anything else with me to knit. I didn't expect to finish today so I guess I will volunteer to drive home so I won't feel like I am wasting knittin' time.
Next up: a barely started Multidirection Scarf in Kureyon (my first visit with Noro) and a Baby Hat with Leaf Edging for my DS out of my handspun. I am overcome with project ideas! I also want to knit some socks with a picot edge and my SIL gave me some burnt orange Lion Wool that I want to do something with. DS has also grown out of all the socks I knit him whilst pregnant and really needs some new ones.
I generally try to have one NBK project (no brain knitting) and one other project on the needles at a time. I think I need to have an emergency sock project to keep at work. Hmmmm.
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Missing? Lost??
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