Monday, August 23, 2010

Up next . . .

Did absolutely no sewing this weekend. Was completely overbooked on Saturday and then had the worst sinus headache of my life on Sunday. Managed to make it to Mass and boy, was I dismayed to see a visiting choir! Feel much better today which is good because it is the first day of school at my school!

Just ordered fabric for my newest project. Sorry for the tiny pic but I grabbed it off Baum's site. This will be a little wall hanging (about 35x35) for my Gma's birthday. That is if I can finish it in time! When I saw the gold ornament fabric I knew I had to make something with it for her. This fabric line is called Georgette Christmas.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Come on autumn!

Could we get some cooler weather please? I loathe this time of year. I am so looking forward to September. Not because it suddenly gets cool and the leaves turn but because we start to have days where the temp doesn't reach 100 and the heat index stays under 100.

So with those cool thoughts in mind, I've started some autumn-y projects. Here is my uncompleted Crazy Jack from Sandy Gervais. I still need to bind it and sew on the button eyes and the ric-rac smile. Just need some sewing time to do it.
Next up I've got a cute pilgrim wallhanging and then an adorable Georgette Christmas idea for my Gma's birthday.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sock woes.

My sock is in time out again. I had successfully turned the heel, picked up stitches for the gusset and was merrily decreasing along when I realized that my stitch count on the instep was off.

Way off.

8 stitches off.

Apparently I had cast on 72 stitches instead of my intended 64. I only worked the heel on 32 stitches. So the sock, if I continue working it this way, will look really odd and, perhaps more importantly, feel really odd when worn.

This sock has been sent to timeout and I am pulling out my backup project that I keep at work and knitting that instead.

Stupid sock.

Missing? Lost??

 I really hate it when I misplace a project.  I'm currently missing two. The first is the Texas Lightning Cowl . I'm knitting it wit...