Monday, January 08, 2018

sampler saturday one

My friend and coworker convinced me to go to a Saturday Sampler at a LQS.  At nine in the morning. On a Saturday.  I'm not much of a morning person especially on a Saturday when I can sleep late or slob around in my pajamas all day.  But I went and it was fun.  You really have to be on time though!  If you aren't there before 9 you have to pay for your block!  To back up, the way this works is you pay $8 for block one.  Then if you complete each block and show up on the first Saturday of each month you get the next block free.  If you are late or can't attend, you pay an additional $8 for the block.  If you show up with a completed block (on time) you get entered into a drawing for a gift certificate to the shop.  Likewise if you bring a Show N Tell you get entered into another drawing for a gift certificate. It is a basket quilt and I've been wanting to make one.  I really like the 30's Block. I'm not thrilled with the colors chosen for the Sampler itself.  It screams 1990 to me but oh well. It will be fun!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!