Monday, January 15, 2018

Jo's 2018 BOM Challenge

Jo at Jo's Country Junction is hosting a BOM Challenge.  It's not a new one but rather you're supposed to pull out an old BOM you've had hanging around and knock it out.  I know that I have at least two.  The Pennsylvania Dutch one from 2009 and the Chocolatier from last year.  I'm starting with the PA Dutch because it's my oldest one.

So PA Dutch.  I thought I had made three blocks but it turns out I had completed four!  So that was a nice surprise right off the bat. 

Then I pulled out my patterns and realized that I had cut several blocks  (five I think) out already!  I was pretty excited then.  I became less so as I realized that I was not very good at cutting nine years ago-I cut a lot of pieces incorrectly (to small usually or I didn't follow the directions properly) so it took a little doing to figure out how to get started.

First block:
This one I had cut the setting triangles incorrectly and the four patches were too large.  So some trimming and new triangles were required.  I really like this block.
Second block: This block was pretty easy.  I just had to make sure I followed the directions.

Third block: this was a little bit more trouble.  I had cut the small blue squares too small and didn't realize it until I tried to sew the central block together.  I also found the setting triangles a little dodgey to sew.  Still I'm proud of it!

Block Four: This block I totally cut wrong.  So I had to do a ton of math.  Like two and a half hours of math, sampling and unsewing.  Will try to finish this block on Tuesday.

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!