Thursday, January 18, 2018

Back at work

I'm back at work today and the boyos are back at school.  It was downright chilly though.  I couldn't believe the size of these icicles.  This is very unusual for us.
I kept slogging away at my blocks yesterday and I am happy to say that I completed all of the blocks for this BOM. This was my penultimate block called Journey's end.  I had to re-stitch one of the corner triangle sets repeatedly though.  I just couldn't get it right.  It's still not perfect but it will do. 

And this cottage block.  I had thought it would be the most difficult block and I was right.  Part of it was that I wasn't very accurate in my cutting back in the day and part of it was that the top of the cottage and the chimneys didn't fit together properly.  It took a lot of trimming, resewing, trimming, resewing to get it looking like this.  I'm really proud and happy that I finished all of the blocks.  Below is a really bad cell phone picture of all the blocks. Next up I need to do the sashing which is such a snoozer!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!