Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ummm, yeah.

Okay, so I misinterpreted the instructions for this ridiculously easy hat. Ripped back to my picked up stitches and began again. Am disenchanted with project but will finish as I think DS will look adorable in this hat.

I didn't get to knit much yesterday. I was deep in a SQL fog and didn't want to think about anything else. I knit a bit on the way home (DH drove). SIL and Brother had planned to come over for a little SnB but I was really tired and hoped that SIL would cancel. She said she would come over early but it was nearly 8 before they got there. SIL is a fairly new knitter and a voracious one at that. She is wipping out scarves and hats left and right. She is currently working her way through Lion Brand's Just Scarves book (that I gave her for Christmas). I also gave her Scarf Style which she has deemed "Too Advanced." She also pointedly informed me not to buy her any more books for gifts and that gift cards were better. (Sister gave her some knitting books for Christmas as well). I wanted to stab her with a knitting needle but restrained myself as I was nursing DS. I expect I will just get her gift cards to Hobby Lobby so she can continue singlehandedly supporting Lion Brand Yarn Company. I really do like my SIL but I did want to poke her last night. I mean, come on, she is LOVING the Just Scarves book. I think she is on her FIFTH scarf from the book.

I only knit a little bit on the baby hat as DS woke up whilst SIL and Brother were there. I'm still nursing him to sleep so he was up for the duration of their visit. SIL had a little cold so I couldnt sit with her on the sofa and for some reason DS wouldn't go near Brother. Fortunately she was only interested in getting some help on finishing her hat (I showed her how to use a Magic-loop type solution instead of buying more dpns) and starting the latest scarf pattern (from the BOOK I gave her).

After they left I stupidly watched Invasion while nursing DS. It was a suspenseful episode and I was too wound up to fall asleep afterwards. This is why I don't watch TV! So I am a little tired today as well.

I have two goals tonight: finish the baby leaf hat and do some laundry. We are going to Austin this weekend and I want to start a pair of socks to take with me. DH bought me some lovely orange sock yarn last spring when he was in Austin and I am itching to knit it. I think I will try Claudia's picot edge.

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!