Monday, February 20, 2006

I didn't even go to the yarn store.

Saturday I met up with the local Betsy-Texans. We're an unofficial chapter of the Betsy Tacy Society. The last time I saw the girls was at my baby shower and I was hugely pregnant. This time I brought DS and Ames brought her baby girl. Baby Girl is almost a year old but DS is bigger than she is. She was so cute in her mint green warmups with rosebud embroidery. Both children were exceptionally well behaved. Even when the bakery closed and we were forced to go hang out at a Kroger's grocery store.

Yarns 2 Ewe is very close to where we met but I didn't even go there. I was kinda surprised at myself but I did just get all this great yarn last weekend. As it was, I was able to stop and attend Mass at my church. I call it my church but I haven't attended in several years. I am getting back into the habit of going but I really need to find a home church. The problem with Catholic churches is that they are getting to be so huge. It's due to the lack of priests but it really creates a impersonal atmosphere. St. Helen's has a new sanctuary. It is enormous. It is beautiful. It has a lovely baptismal font. It is far too grand for me to feel comfortable. I am a member there but I don't know if I want to stay there. The only pluses to staying there are that it is extremely close to home and they have a school attached. I haven't even discussed with DH if we could send DS there (he's only nine months!) but it is cheaper if you are a member of the parish. The other church that is fairly close is in the planning stages of a new sanctuary. Another huge place?

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!