Friday, February 24, 2006

Blessed Friday!

Am v. glad it is Friday. Am even more glad that it is only one more week until Spring Break.

My knittin' bud at work is coveting my Truly Tasha shawl. I knit mine a couple of years ago in some burnt orange Cotton Fleece. I really like it- both pattern and colour. She's been after me to give her the pattern so I finally remembered today and printed it out. I enjoyed looking at the Wooly West website. I have the Happy Trails pattern book to use with the Happy Trails yarn. I knit the socks using the barbed wire pattern. I will look up the correct name when I get home tonight. I thought it was really clever of the author to use barbed wire as a pattern idea. I liked the Happy Trails sock yarn too. I've got some in my stash. I would like to knit with this yarn again now that I am a more experienced knitter. The two socks I have knit from this yarn are now too small to wear! I machine washed them and hung to dry. BUT I didn't know very much about stranding when I knit them so they aren't as "giving" as they could be.

Am plugging away at DS's tube socks. I am making the tube spiral the other way for the second sock-just cause I can!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!