Tuesday, January 24, 2023

the game is afoot!

 Get it? a foot?  Oh well, the O 1/4 inch foot did pretty well last night.

It is a little wider than 1/4 inch.  I asked DH to bend the metal guide a bit as it flares outwards which makes the seam more than 1/4 inch.  I prefer a scant 1/4 especially when I am sewing pieces cut with my Accuquilt dies. I'll test it again tonight but I'm feeling optimistic.  This block is made out of leftover sample pieces from my LQS Saturday Sampler.  I normally use my Accuquilt qube to cut out pieces for the samplers but I cut the chisels so they faced the wrong way. I decided to use them for this sample.

This second block is the correct pattern sample that I sewed on QBFF's machine.  It is, however, too small.  This blocks should be 6.5 inches and this is just under 4.5.  I really don't want to buy another Qube-they have gotten so expensive! So I may rotary cut my sampler blocks this year.

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!