Saturday, January 28, 2023

Book pillow

After seeing Podunk Pretties' recent post,  I decided to make a book pillow for my youngest niece. She just had her 8th birthday and is very fond of unicorns.  This is a mix of flannel and woven cotton. I added the pink pompoms because of course! I just need to get a pillow form. Her sister,  about to have a 10th birthday,  may get a pillow too but with different fabric.

ETA: It looks so much better with the pillow form inside!  I wish I could post a pic of my niece's delighted face but my SIL has asked us not to post pics of the kids.  I've had that rule for my kids for nearly 18 years so I'm fine with that. 
 Now my next niece in line, who turns 10 in February, has asked for a pillow with lots of purple.  Here is a photo of my complete stash of purple (minus a yard of deep plum grunge):
That's it, except for a few Civil War repros.  I guess I'll be hitting Hobby Lobby or JoAnn for purple fabric and purple pompoms!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!