Monday, January 23, 2023

Friday the 13th

On Friday the 13th I was sewing on my beloved Janome (note it was the Friday of a four day weekend) when it suddenly turned itself off.  I could not get it to turn back on.  I went and fetched DH with a dire feeling on my heart.


I admit I was upset.  Seriously upset. He loaded up my machine for me the next morning and I took it to the LQS.  Good ol' Mark said he would take a look but it might be awhile.  There were many machines waiting ahead of mine for parts.

Basically, this ruined my holiday weekend.  This Janome was expensive and I bought it with the inheritance from my dear Gma.  When I was talking to my sister on that Sunday I told her that I felt like I was grieving (for my sewing machine or my Gma I couldn't say).  I could never justify spending that much money on myself again.  DH told me we would use our tax refund to buy me another machine. I kept saying it is so much money though.

Good ol' Mark called a few days later to announce that he thought it was the power supply but the part would be a couple of hundred dollars.  Did I want him to order it?  Did I want him to order it!!!!!!!!!!!  My machine was several thousand dollars-of course I wanted him to order it!  He said it would be a few weeks before he could get the part in and the machine worked on.

So I brought home my Janome HD-1000 home from my mum's house.  I have been having a terrible time trying to get an accurate 1/4 inch seam.  I've tried all different feet, tape etc.  My quiltyBFF even loaned me one of her Brother machines to try.  (Very frustrating experience even though it had some nice, fun and fancy features.)

So at lunch today we ran to another LQS and I dropped some cash on what they assured me is the correct 1/4 inch foot for the HD-1000.

Tune in tomorrow to see if it worked!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!