Monday, July 11, 2011


I'm taking a needleturn class (for free) with my teacher from the Broderie Perse class. In this class, we trace the pattern onto freezer paper and iron the cutout onto the fabric. Trace around with a fabric pen and there's the pattern!

I am super slow doing this so I try to do a little each day. We only meet once a month, so I am hoping I can have this block finished for our next meeting.


Joy said...

I do not even understand the technique you're using, but I think it is looking fantastic so far. I love the intricate pattern you're cutting out! Can't wait to see more of this project!

Houseelf said...

Hia Kigwit, you came up as a no reply blogger so I'll reply here.

Hia Kigwit,
brill that makes 3 now! Ulla said by email that she would, so did Grethe so with you too I have my 3. :-) Brill brill! Can I have your address please? I will get something out to you before the end of the year.

No we were kept very very safe by the staff and security. All excursions were accompanied and there were armed guards where we berthed overnight. There was some unrest in Edfu a while back where locals baracaded the road to the temple there, so the cruise ships no longer stop there and we do Habu Temple instead. The guides said that it would seriously effect the economy there but that they had brought it on themselves. Most of the recent unrest was in Cairo to the north. 2 Malay girls from our table went to Cairo Museum for a day by plane and said they saw some burnt out buildings. The rest of us prefered to go to the Valley of the Kings. I am so far behind in telling about Egypt- real life makes a naughty habit of interrupting my blog and craft life sometimes. LOL

I will have to try some of these Amelia Peabody mysteries. I'm always on the lookout for a new author.

Thank you

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!