Friday, January 01, 2010

So, what to do in 2010?

I have a huge want-to-do list.

  1. Use up the mexican wave yarn-currently one shawl in production.
  2. Finish the Duck, Duck, Goose Quilt.
  3. Make Gma's apron.
  4. Make Happy Campers quilt
  5. Make Gmas bluebird quilt.
  6. Make my Lecien Paris quilt.
  7. Make kittens quilt.
  8. Make funky Christmas quilt.
  9. Make Sheri Berry quilt kit.
  10. PA Dutch BOM-one each month and I'm already two behind.
  11. Raggedy Happy Campers quilt.
  12. Make cushion covers for travel trailer.
  13. Make Psalm 23 Panel.
  14. Make 4th of July wall hanging.
  15. Make amish pilgrims wall hanging.
  16. make Santa waldorf doll.
  17. make St. Lucia waldorf doll.
  18. Make Christmas placemats.
  19. Finish Christmas penny rug.

There's lots more ideas but I misplaced my project notebook! On a personal note, I am going to get serious about being healthy. I've watched my mom fall into a lot of health problems due to her diet and I dont want to follow that same path. I will continue to get on the treadmill, will modify my diet, and will decrease my caffeine intake. (The last a real sacrifice. Will make everyone at work switch to decaf!! I buy the coffee anyway.)

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!