Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well, I did it. Instead of taking a nap Friday afternoon, that I really, really wanted, I went up into the attic and inventoried and labelled all those tubs. I don't have as much junk as I feared but boy does DH! I did find that I have three or four boxes of what my brother calls TLPS (trinkets and little pieces of sh%%). These are generally gifts from the women in the family-little statues, vases etc, that are cute but that I'm not interested in having out or no longer want to have out. Next up for the attic: go through these boxes and either donate them to the fairy godmother or give them away at work.

Today Baby T got his monthly picture made. Oh, it was too cute and so hard to decide on the pose. Then the boys and I had coffee with Dad. I love having coffee with Dad but it is harder with two boys. Red is all over the place and half the time I'm nursing Baby T so it's hard to wrangle him. Oh well, I'm sure the men at the coffee shop enjoy the show!

After we got home Baby T was asleep and DH and Red were playing with some popits so I snuck off to the library. I even read Mary Englebreit's Home Companion while I was there. V. enjoyable trip.

Red is off to spend the night with my parents-he loves to go over there. I really appreciate my mom taking him like she does. He loves it, Dad loves it, She loves it and I get to clean house and sometimes even sew!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!