Friday, February 22, 2008

FOs and ToDos

Well, I finished all my UFOs from last year: bamboo
socks, DH's scarf, and the cardigan. I am especially
proud of that last one!

Updates on my ToDos:
1. clean one of Mom's closets a month-havent even
started this one.
2. blog my projects-doing better on this one.
3. sleep with DH-we're in the same room now at least.
4. teach DS#1 to talk-Have contacted ECI and now
waiting for an appt.
5. craft more-As soon as I find out where I can buy
more spare time.
6. fill in the front flowerbed-LawnGuy is working on
this one.
7. organize my attic-hoping to start this one this
8. organize my homedesk-done!
9. organize my closet-soon
10. work on the baby books for *both* sons-I've
started this one. I put in the new teeth for Baby T
as well as his rolling over and his first belly laugh.

Well, at least there is progress there. I started a
quicky knit project. I bought one of those Sushi
Wallet Kits a long while ago and I found it again this
week, after finishing the cardigan. I've knit the
wallet and two sushis. I want to knit all the sushis
before I felt everything. Just need a little time!

BTW, if anyone knows where I can buy spare time I
would appreciate it!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!