Monday, January 03, 2011

Uh oh

I was "leafing" through my blog when I found last year's To do list.



Guess I should have checked it more often?

Use up the mexican wave yarn-currently one shawl in production. Finished that green shawl and am nearly done with a blue one.
Finish the Duck, Duck, Goose Quilt. Done!
Make Gma's apron. Done!
Make Happy Campers quilt Ready to go to Karen the Quilter.
Make Gmas bluebird quilt. I got nuthin'
Make my Lecien Paris quilt. Whistles innocently.
Make kittens quilt. Still need to finish stitching the kittens.
Make funky Christmas quilt. I looked at it.
Make Sheri Berry quilt kit. Ditto
PA Dutch BOM-one each month and I'm already two behind. Have made four blocks and got stuck on fifth one.
Raggedy Happy Campers quilt. Have acquired a second charm pack.
Make cushion covers for travel trailer. DH made some out of sheets using my serger.
Make Psalm 23 Panel. Have cut strips out
Make 4th of July wall hanging. Ummm.
Make amish pilgrims wall hanging. In timeout for bad behaviour over checkerboard border.
make Santa waldorf doll. nope.
make St. Lucia waldorf doll. nope
Make Christmas placemats. nope
Christmas Penny Rug. worked on it over Thanksgiving, haven't touched it since.

I need to make a realistic list for this year.

How about this:


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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!