Friday, January 14, 2011

7 Quick Takes - January 14, 2011

  1. I am so tired today and don't know why. It's been a long, hard week meeting-wise. Next week our students come back so I better eat my Wheaties.
  2. My FTCM class was wonderful! Our instructor for Ministry is this brilliant, intelligent, and Spirit-filled woman. I came out of class aware of just how ignorant I am. It's going to be great. I kind of wonder if this program is mostly sit n' git kind of instruction? I know we have to write papers for each topic but I wonder what the academic rigor will be. I'm still considering the Online Catholic Biblical School at UD for next year.
  3. Did very little sewing this week although the boatload of fabric I ordered last week showed up. I finished Red's fingerless gloves (except for sewing in the ends) and started mine. I actually finished one hand (nearly all in one meeting!) but I think I will make the second hand slightly smaller and see which I prefer. No matter-it's a quick knit.
  4. I want to finish Winter Whispers this weekend. It's cold outside and I will appreciate it. And I want to do something else.
  5. Paid holiday on Monday! The boyos are very excited to have the day off. Tig (aged 3) started off Monday of this week complaining of the inequalities of five days at school and only two "home-days". I told him to stop talking to Red (aged 5) who is on a campaign to reverse it to five homedays and two school days. Or "at the very least, Mama, three homedays and four school days." Right on honey. I'm still working on that one.
  6. I was able to get back to praying the Rosary this week. I found that recently I have not been able to focus when praying. I have a much better day when I do two things each morning: Rosary and treadmill. Next week I must do better.
  7. I was asked to teach an online HTML class. Unless I can be handed a complete Bb course and lesson plans I am not going to do it. I'm teaching my other class on Thursday nights and, with CCE and FTCM, I have no time to do another prep. Particularly for HTML which I haven't done in years. HTML 4.0 anyone?

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!