Friday, January 06, 2017

She may have been onto something. . .

So Susie may have been onto something!  This doesn't look bad at all.  It currently measures 87 x 58 as it lies in pieces.  When sewn together it will be a bit smaller.  I may do a stop border to go next to the binding.  So my goal now is to make all the blocks I will need-seven maybe?

Thursday, January 05, 2017

What to do what to do

So I was totally stuck on my Camp Peanuts quilt for Tig.   As I lay awake with insomnia the other night the first step occurred to me: Take the Darn Borders Off!
 This is how it looked with the borders on.  I mistakenly put these on thinking I was further along than I was. (Wishful thinking!)

So I took the borders off. Kind of a fresh start like. Not bad. If this was for a baby or toddler I'd probably stop here.

I had made several blocks, meaning to use them before adding the borders. Should I add them to the top or the sides?  My friend Susie recommended that I use them on the side and add the previously removed borders to the top and bottom.  That might just work.  I'll lay it out tonight. I'll probably remove the red sashing between the existing blocks.  In any case, more blocks must be made!

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Victorian Motto

I can't believe I forgot to include this project.  I really wanted to make it for my sister, and after a comedy of errors (on my part) and delayed shipping (usps grrr), she finally got it!  It was hard to get good photos as I was taking them indoors-and in a hurry!  This is embroidery on perforated paper. I'd really like to make one for me.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Goals for 2017

I haven't been sewing at all since August.  Things have gotten pretty crazy on the homefront.  But I plan to remedy that in the new year! So here are my goals for 2017:

  1. Cool Yule-Need to remake a couple blocks and then sash.
  2. Camp Peanuts-for my youngest son.  I cut and put border fabric on it before I was ready for it.  Doggone it!
  3. If I finish the above two quilts I am buying an Encyclopedia Galactica kit and making it!
  4. I'd love to make the Paper Shredder quilt.
  5. I'd also like to make one of my quilt kits that I have. (I have several!)
For knitting:
  1. finish Girly Girl Socks
  2. orange Classy Slip-Up socks
  3. possibly knit Peaks N Valleys socks (knit socks! book)
  4. Old Man of Storr shawlette (in S'mores yarn)
  5. Anniversary socks for DH

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!