Tuesday, January 20, 2015

this used to be a scarf

This used to be a Multidirectional Scarf-at least it was until yesterday.  I knit it too narrow-about 4.5 inches and almost never wore it-and it was too long like spaghetti.  Instead I wear the one I knit for DH.  So yesterday I took it to the beach with me to unravel during our Pooh and Piglet Picnic.  It was a little tough to unravel as Noro Kureyon is very grabby-it broke a lot too.  But I think if I knit it about 8 or 9 inches wide I will get a lot more use out of it.

I've been feeling very knitty lately.  I ran out of yarn of the feather and fan socks so need to find something to finish the toes.  And I need to reknit the toes on DH's latest blue socks.  And I'd really like to knit two pixie caps for babies that I know.  My brother and his wife are welcoming daughter #3 today and she needs a cap from Auntie!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!