Thursday, April 24, 2008

I love this fabric so much . . .

I would marry it.

I only bought a yard last Sunday as I am planning to use it for Spaceboy (from WeeWonderfuls of course). But now I'm thinking I may want to use it for a twin size comforter for Red someday. So I would need two more yards. And a pillow to match-another yard. And what if I think of something else for it? Should I buy the whole bolt? It *is* on sale.

I also plan to make the Wee Wonderfuls robot for my dear Piglet who had knee replacement surgery. She's a little down right now-it's a long haul to heal for her-and maybe it will cheer her up. These are the fabrics I bought (along with some green and orange for a future project).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Shopping for sister

Well I went shopping for sister: six yards yellow broadcloth and some buttons (which I forgot to buy). And some fat quarters followed me home. When I was making the Wee Ones last weekend I realized that I needed some fabric that I could just use without stressing over it-I tend to hoard my very favorites like those from Superbuzzy.
Now I want to use my new fat Qs to make a little log cabin square. Must hold off. . .

Monday, April 14, 2008

What I did this weekend.

Other than having coffee with Dad and spending the afternoon with him, this is what I did this weekend:

The taggie blankie is for my preemie niece, the bear and bunny (from Wee Wonderfuls) are for my boys and the cowboy tshirt is for Red. I wanted to work on my cushion for the sofa but that will have to wait.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Quickie update

1. clean one of Mom's closets a month-one closet done
but I was over there this weekend and it was full of
junk. She actually shoved stuff in there. It was so
tidy. Should I just give up?
2. blog my projects-Needs improvement!
3. sleep with DH- ;-)
4. teach DS#1 to talk-DS#1 is enrolled and receiving
services from ECI and we had a school appointment on
5. craft more-did a little this weekend-made two
choo-choo blankies for Red.
6. fill in the front flowerbed-Done and it's
7. organize my attic-well started!
8. organize my homedesk-done!
9. organize my closet-well started!
10. work on the baby books for *both* sons-Maybe I
should keep these books at work for my breaks?

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!