Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I swear we are living in the Plague House. Red and Baby Tig has swapped out getting sick ever since Sister went home in September. This month they have really ratched it up a notch and I have missed so much work taking them to the dr. Then I started running a temp on Sunday and have been out now for three days. I saw the PA yesterday and she thinks I have the flu. I dont think so. She gave me a z-pac to ward of any opportunistic complications and my fever is gone today. I hope it's just an upper respiratory bug and not the flu. I expect the boyos gave it to me. Bleech. I haven't been this sick in years. I have been so miserable I haven't even knit anything-not even while I was stuck waiting for the PA. That is pretty well sick. As sister put it: what a horrible way to use a vacation day!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well, not much done.
Well, I havent done much on my list for the year-other than talk to the yard guy about the flower bed. I hope to surprise DH with it but that will be difficult as it will take more than one day for yard guy to do it.
Baby Tig has cut two teeth! I noticed them yesterday. I was thinking he was teething because he has been really rough during nursing lately. He also has thrush so we've just been having a great time. He is a very sweet baby though.
Today DH cut Red's hair for the first time. I was v. sad. I know he's nearly THREE! and it was about time but he looks so grown up. I miss that toddler boy look. My mom is going to kill me because she wanted to take pictures. And she's coming over this afternoon so she can kill me for not waiting until afternoon to do it.
I finished my bamboo socks. I am going to give them to my friend Pigwit for last year's birthday gift. I hope she likes them and that they fit. After I finish DH's scarf I plan to start a pair of socks for me. I need some NBK for in the car.
I've been buying some charm packs and a jelly roll for some patchwork pillows. I plan to base them on the pattern at Turkey Feathers. I plan to make one for spring using a Spring Meadow charm pack by Moda. Then I have a charm pack for Red, White and Bold for summer (I hope to back this one with denim) and I have a jelly roll of Moda's Fall Back In Time (and a charm pack on the way) to use for next fall. I have two Thanksgiving pillows that I made in November. I bought the kits at the Quilt Festival from Plum Creek Collectibles. (I LOVE Plum Creek Collectibles).
My friend Bon and I are thinking about taking a beginning quilting class at Quakertown Quilts. I was supposed to call them yesterday and find out more about the class but I forgot. Instead we had Baby T's pics made (adorable), coffee with Dad as usual, a trip to Cavenders to buy a seriously overpriced western belt for Red, and a quicky trip to JoAnn's. Mom is wanting a blankie for my niece and as her sewing machine is in pieces at my house I guess I will sew it for her. Only she wants it backed in minkee and I hate sewing minkee. And it will have blanket binding on it. And she wants two. Oh well, hopefully there will be left overs and I can make some small taggie blankies for the Family Littles.
Honestly, I have no idea when I am going to do all these things because my house is in complete disarray and I have no time to sew. I was going to work in the bedroom and clear out my desk/table corner but DH and Red are asleep in there. And I can't sew out here because Baby T is asleep out here. Whinge.
Hmm. Something positive. I have one load of laundry to do and then I'm caught up. Boy that's a great one!
Baby Tig has cut two teeth! I noticed them yesterday. I was thinking he was teething because he has been really rough during nursing lately. He also has thrush so we've just been having a great time. He is a very sweet baby though.
Today DH cut Red's hair for the first time. I was v. sad. I know he's nearly THREE! and it was about time but he looks so grown up. I miss that toddler boy look. My mom is going to kill me because she wanted to take pictures. And she's coming over this afternoon so she can kill me for not waiting until afternoon to do it.
I finished my bamboo socks. I am going to give them to my friend Pigwit for last year's birthday gift. I hope she likes them and that they fit. After I finish DH's scarf I plan to start a pair of socks for me. I need some NBK for in the car.
I've been buying some charm packs and a jelly roll for some patchwork pillows. I plan to base them on the pattern at Turkey Feathers. I plan to make one for spring using a Spring Meadow charm pack by Moda. Then I have a charm pack for Red, White and Bold for summer (I hope to back this one with denim) and I have a jelly roll of Moda's Fall Back In Time (and a charm pack on the way) to use for next fall. I have two Thanksgiving pillows that I made in November. I bought the kits at the Quilt Festival from Plum Creek Collectibles. (I LOVE Plum Creek Collectibles).
My friend Bon and I are thinking about taking a beginning quilting class at Quakertown Quilts. I was supposed to call them yesterday and find out more about the class but I forgot. Instead we had Baby T's pics made (adorable), coffee with Dad as usual, a trip to Cavenders to buy a seriously overpriced western belt for Red, and a quicky trip to JoAnn's. Mom is wanting a blankie for my niece and as her sewing machine is in pieces at my house I guess I will sew it for her. Only she wants it backed in minkee and I hate sewing minkee. And it will have blanket binding on it. And she wants two. Oh well, hopefully there will be left overs and I can make some small taggie blankies for the Family Littles.
Honestly, I have no idea when I am going to do all these things because my house is in complete disarray and I have no time to sew. I was going to work in the bedroom and clear out my desk/table corner but DH and Red are asleep in there. And I can't sew out here because Baby T is asleep out here. Whinge.
Hmm. Something positive. I have one load of laundry to do and then I'm caught up. Boy that's a great one!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Things to do in 2008
- clean one of Mom's closets a month
- blog my projects
- sleep with DH
- teach DS#1 to talk
- craft more
- fill in the front flowerbed
- organize my attic
- organize my homedesk
- organize my closet
- work on the baby books for *both* sons
I think ten is enough. Most of these I can do with just a little diligent effort. One of them, no. 6, I don't even have to do myself-I can pay the yard guy! There's a crying need for organization on this list. I have been worried about my mom's hoarding tendency and her house and am even more worried that I will end up the same way. I need to nip that in the bud!
Well, Happy New Year to all. May this year be healthy and blissfully boring.
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A little stitching
Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket! I love having a son that likes stitching!
Which, truthfully, isn't what I planned to make. And it really isn't that crooked either. So this is from the Tiny Town version ...
This is the sample I made for the Book Club. It's the Karen Montgomery companion pattern for the book club. The pattern is called Hous...
I ordered this Tardis panel from Spoonflower to make a quick quilt for my dad for Father's Day. This is my dad's last father'...