Monday, March 27, 2023

More Hop Blocks

More shop hop blocks.  I enjoyed these but I hope this mania leaves me soon!

 This block is an ooops.  I had difficulty understanding the pattern (how's that for being nice?) and I made this instead.  It's 9.5 inches so I will use it for something else and get more teal fabric to make the correct block.  I need to remake two blocks and then I can get to setting these and borders!

Shop Hop Blocks

 So QuiltyBFF and I got a little obsessed with the shop hop last week. We even took vacation time so we could hop during the week. This weekend I devoted myself to shop hop blocks. Here are Saturday's blocks:

I made the second block with the red flying geese too small-it's a perfect 8.5 inch block and was supposed to be 12.5 inches!  I think 8.5 is my default!

Monday, March 20, 2023


 Over Spring Break I visited the Fabric Carousel.  I didn't plan to buy anything but these plaids were together on the shelf and are just screaming to be a Sparkle Plenty quilt.  I'm looking for one more black plaid and the background of the quilt will be black. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Purple Menace continues

 One of my goals for Spring Break was to get all of these stars finished.  These will form the outside pocket of the reading pillow I'm making for my niece.  Thatsalottapurple!  

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

yellow baskets

 Finished up these blocks last night but will set them aside temporarily as I need to work on the purple menace for my niece.

purpley stuff

 I'm just pulling together my purpleness to start on the reading pillow for my niece SoSo. All she wanted was purple so this is basically a purple vomit pillow.  I'm trying to figure it out.


Monday, March 06, 2023

Easter China Hutch

I really need an Easter appropriate teapot for my china hutch.  I felt like I needed something taller right there in the middle behind or instead of the butter dish.  (I always put colored tulle in it so it will be more visible.) I made this little 30s mini quilt a few months ago so I put that in there. My bossy sister says I need something yellow there instead of green so I pulled out my 4 inch Qube and got to work yesterday.  

I'm currently planning to make nine total of these little baskets and then . . . maybe a one inch sash with tiny cornerstones? Tiny yellow border?  It will be fun to see! (I haven't forgotten my Cynthia England project but when my sister bosses me. . .)


Sunday, March 05, 2023

Vintage Housewife sampler update


Still slugging along on my Vintage Housewife sampler.  I really do love this but it takes me longer to stitch on 25 count evenweave.  It is so cute so I will keep stitching until it is finished.  I took this picture at the Urgent Care yesterday-had to take my nephew in so I grabbed this on my way out the door.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!