Saturday, January 16, 2021

Time for Tea

Several years ago I made a table runner to go on my china hutch when I display my Grandmama's china.  I love the pink and grey together. I think I made it in 2016.  I've long wanted to make a wallhanging to go with it as I have a quilt hanger adjacent to the china hutch. This was the year to do it!  The teapot is a Lori Holt pattern and the teacups are from a free mini quilt from Kate Spain. (note: I really need to make that mini quilt!  It is so cute!)

I couldn't decide if I wanted the teacups on top or bottom.  I also changed out the steam to the light grey you see here.  

This steam looked like smoke!
And here is a poor picture of it on the wall.  The grey isn't really this dark but I was unable to get a good photo.  I quilted it with a diamond grid and I'm pleased with it. 


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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!