Saturday, January 05, 2019

Things I made in 2018

I thought I'd make a list of things I did make in 2018 so I could feel good about myself!

  1. Eagle Quilt for my nephew.  It was very hard and my aunt says it's the best quilt I've ever made.
  2. I did a full tushe adjustment on a pattern and made two pairs of better fitting pjs for Tig.
  3. finished my Patriotic Pineapples quilt
  4. made DH's anniversary socks
  5. made my Bandolier shawl
  6. made a bunch of blocks-including finishing all of the blocks for my PA Dutch quilt that was started a very long time ago!
  7. made a pair of cabled fingerless gloves
  8. made a wavelength shawl
  9. knit the socks i'm wearing right now-I didn't list those on Ravelry and I  need to.
  10. I made my star wars halloween quilt-which is weird because I don't really celebrate halloween.
  11. found out i'm anemic!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!