Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

I didn't make much for Christmas gifts.  I was far too busy and I haven't done a ton of sewing this year.  Too much stress and black dog on my shoulder.  Which is counter-intutitive because one of the things that makes the black dog go away is making something!!

I did make three pillowcases for the boyos and DH.  I found some of the Star Wars Christmas fabric at a JoAnn's I didn't even know existed. There wasn't much on the bolt and one was quilting cotton and the other was flannel.  I knew  I just had to buy it because I have never seen it in the stores before. At the cutting counter I realized it would be great for pillowcases!  And we needed a couple more Christmas pillowcases anyway.  My DH had seen the Thor fabric before and I thought it would be fun to make him a Christmas pillowcase for once.  I made that one in secret and had the boyos slip it on his pillow for him to find. Also, as I bragged to my sister, this fabric was in stash for fewer than twenty-four hours!  A record for me!

I designed this shawl for a Wellness class I taught at work.  It is Caron Cakes yarn and I cut out one of the colours that I didn't like.  I'm giving it to my niece the Wonder Pixie.  I also uploaded the pattern to Ravelry. My first pattern!  The Easy Eyelet Shawl.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Been a while. . .

I haven't posted since March?  Good grief!  Friday Tig and I dropped the guys off at Fry's and we ran over to Park Avenue Yarns.  They had these little Matchbox kits from Moda and Tig loved the bright yellow.  

I started working on it last night-it's super easy. But it turns out that Tig wanted to try to make it himself.  Ooops. Anyway, I started the quilting part and have marked out a line for him to follow.

This is the first of a pair of fingerless mitts I'm working on.  Now that I've finished one and started on the other I feel like this isn't showing off the best of this tweedy yarn.  I can't decided if I'm going to tear it out and knit it in stripes or what.

Well, today is Christmas eve!  Advent has just whoooshed by-I really need FOUR full weeks of Advent to get ready.  We haven't even used our wreath or candles and I didn't keep up with my Advent devotions.  Life is very full-I had a business trip, and the house was a disaster area and the kids are in school again this year.  It's crazy.  Still, my heart is full and I'm grateful.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!