Thursday, February 18, 2016

new socks!

Finished these socks on Wednesday.  And immediately cast on for a new pair for Red.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

block block block

 This is number 11, I think.  I'm a little concerned that the squares I cut out of a layer cake are a little smaller than 5 inches.  I think I will need to add some fabric to make sure it is a square!

This will be number 12 when I'm finished.  I really need to buckle down and get these blocks done!  Last night I didn't have CCE or Cub Scouts but I did spend an hour or so knitting-nearly finished with a pair of socks!  And then I went to stitching.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Fabric Report

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 8.5 yards
Fabric Added this Week: 2.34 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 9.09 yards
Net Fabric for 2016: -7.84 yards used

I bought 2.34 yards of Bella White for the Pow Wow quilt (from Cluck Cluck Sew).  This will be my donation quilt for the Cub Scout auction. I went ahead and bought the fabric because I was at the quilt shop signing up for a class and figured I'd save a trip. I'm planning for Pow Wow  to be my March OMG project.

I didn't stitch any Cool Yule blocks this weekend.  I'm hoping to this week though as I really want to finish this top during February.  If I don't it will go into UFO status and I really don't want that!

Monday, February 08, 2016


I finished stitching the three blocks I was working on last night.  I also pinned another three blocks, ready to stitch for this week.  After I finish those I will only need three more blocks to reach the sixteen I need for this quilt!

Sunday, February 07, 2016

OMG progress!

So I am making some progress on my Cool Yule quilt. I stitched a ton of HSTs this week.  So today I trimmed and starting sewing blocks.  I'm hoping to finish three blocks today.

Fabric report

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 8.5 yards
Fabric Added this Week: 3.25 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 6.75 yards
Net Fabric for 2016: 1.25 yards used

I bought a fat quarter stack of Little Joys and a fat quarter of  R2D2 fabric this week.  I'm trying really hard not to buy anything else until I finish the Cool Yule top.  I will need to buy more white for the auction quilt that is up next.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

One Monthly Goal: February

Red Letter Quilts is hosting a One Monthly Goal Linkup so I decided to join.  Maybe this will help me with finishing some projects.

My goal for February is to get my Cool Yule quilt top finished.
Four blocks are shown here but I have actually finished seven.  I'm currently planning on making sixteen blocks total which will end up as a king sized quilt!  Last night I cut more squares and triangles-tonight I hope to finish cutting and get back to sewing the HSTs.  If anyone is interested in joining, there's a button on my sidebar that leads to the information page at Red Letter Quilts.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!