Saturday, January 02, 2016

Last and first


Last project of 2015: I needed a runner to go on the china hutch-and I was never going to finish those tedious snowball blocks for a quilt-so I started sewing them together.  I stopped after sewing the first two columns together-and I'm glad I did as four blocks would have made this too deep for the hutch!  I needed to make two more tedious blocks and then I just knocked this out!  Very minimal quilting but I'm happy with the result-and extremely happy to be done with those snowball blocks!

This is my first project of 2016. I've wanted to make something with this fabric for years-I think I started collecting it in 2011.  I was making the aforementioned tedious blocks but I realized that I would never ever ever finish that-even to a lap quilt size.  So I was looking around on my pinterest Christmas board and saw a pillow on the Polka Dot Chair using some of these same fabrics.  I loved the star so I pulled out all of this fabric.  The pillow uses 4 1/2 inch squares but I had a ton of 5 inch squares already cut out so  I simply upscaled the size of the blocks.  I've finished these two blocks and have two others ready to sew.  I need to cut out more Kona White 5 inch squares to finish.  I also have a Kona White jelly roll-I may use that for sashing.    I expect I will have a lot of 5 inch squares left over so I will probably make a disappearing nine patch with them. I do think I will buy a Kona White charm pack so I don't have to cut any more!
Note to self: be sure to label kona white and kona snow when you buy it!

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A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!