Monday, April 20, 2015

gone fishin'

So here is my weekend's work.  I still need to decide what I am going to do about the borders.  The pattern has a two inch stop border and a six inch outer border.  I don't think the stop border is going to work-plus I'm out of fabric!  So I think I am going to just use the brown fishing lures fabric.  Need to calculate that out.  I did end up replacing the canoe fabric with the blue float bobbin fabric. Thankfully, it was on sale as was the other yard of batik I added to stash. I'm looking forward to next week's fabric report as I am going to claim all I used in this quit-plus three yards of backing!

Used this week: 0 yards
 Used year to Date: 2.5 yards
Added this week : 2 yards
Added Year to Date: 11.5 yards  
Net for 2015: 9.0 yards

 Total spent YTD $88.46 (including S&H)

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

seriously need to get moving on this quilt!

So I really need to get moving on this auction quilt! I planned to sew over the Easter weekend but I was so busy with family things that I never even touched fabric! I had to order two more yards of the fabric shown here:
I think it will look really good both in the blocks and for the border.  I have cut out the rest of the fabric so I just need to make some cuts of this and get sewing! I'll be really glad when this quilt is finished because I am using around five yards in the top and at least three for the backing!  I'll have a really good fabric report then.

Used this week: 0 yards
 Used year to Date: 2.5 yards
Added this week : 2 yards
Added Year to Date: 9.5 yards  
Net for 2015: 5.0 yards

 Total spent YTD $73.30 (including S&H)

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!