Sunday, March 22, 2015

getting started: auction quilt

I started pulling fabric for the Cub Scout auction quilt this week.  I had planned to use the Take a Hike fat quarter stack but as I started pulling all of my fabrics out and mixing and matching I ended up liking the fishing fabric the best.
  So I went out and bought two yards of batiks-one dark red and one grey.  I think it will look really good.  This isn't a  great pic of the fabric so after I get some blocks made I'll add another.
Used this week: 0 yards
 Used year to Date: 2.5 yards
Added this week : 2 yards
Added Year to Date: 7.5 yards  
Net for 2015: 3.0 yards

 Total spent YTD $55.60 (including S&H)

Monday, March 09, 2015

One more yard

Elementary Black Equations Yardage SKU# 5568-12
got a wild hair on Friday and decided to google and see if there were any new yarn shops in my area.  And lo! I found one in the little town where I went to High School.  It's called Park Avenue Yarns and it's fantastic!  I asked and found out that they have been there for four years.  They have tons of yarn, knitting needles that I've never even heard of, fiber for spinning, tapestry kits and fabric!  If they had bobbin lace supplies I'd really be sunk!  I managed to hold onto sanity and only bought one yard of fabric.  One of the ladies at work is expecting her first child and, as she is a mathematician, I really had to buy this fabric. Its's from Sweetwater, the Elementary line.  I don't know  what I am going to make yet, the baby isn't due until September, but I'm glad to have this on hand.

Used this week: 0 yards
 Used year to Date: 2.5 yards
Added this week : 1 yards
Added Year to Date: 5.5 yards  
Net for 2015: 3.0 yards

 Total spent YTD $37.60 (including S&H)

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!