Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Look what my sister made me!

Isn't this precious?  My sister made it-she even posted a photo online but I didn't know it was for me!  She also found me a tea cup from Canada (we're half-Canadian).

Sunday, December 22, 2013

all that's left

All that's left is to get this quilted by Christmas afternoon!  I really hope I have enough fabric left for the backing.

Friday, December 20, 2013

step by step

Step one: sew blocks together in rows
Step two: sew rows together.

Tomorrow: cut borders and sew on

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

why I am behind

I just thought I'd add some photos of why I am behind on my Christmas stitching:

Somehow a pipe burst in my mom's attic.  The ceiling collapsed and, as you can see, dumped the contents of the attic in her spare room.  Then the entire house flooded.  My folks were not happy!

So close!

I cannot believe how close Christmas is.  I'm working all this week and Christmas is a week from today!  How did that happen?  Last night I realized I absolutely had to get my packages in the mail so I knocked out this apron for my sister:
Ignore the little foot there!

My inlaws really liked the quilt I gave them.  My MIL even said that she knew I put a lot of time into it-she's not crafty but her mom was so she does have some idea of  how long something can take.  My FIL was pleased as well.

So, I've got to make a pair of pjs for my nephew, finish some stitching on the gingerbread aprons (I'd really like to make something for my baby niece out of this gingerbread pattern, maybe a  pinny)  and, most importantly, finish my mom's quilt! I am really behind on it.  I've sewn the blocks together and now need to get the rows sewn.  I'm hoping I can do that tonight.  Actually, if I sew the rows tonight, do the borders tomorrow, then I could possibly layer and start quilting Friday when the boyos are off camping.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!