Saturday, December 31, 2011

UFO list

Well, I guess it's that time of year again.  Time to make a list of my UFOs.

1. Plum Creek Penny rug: need to finish vines, pennies and backing.
2. PA Dutch: eight blocks to go

3. Pilgrims Pride: Stuck on the border
4. Winter River: border and finishing 

5. Nautical & Nice: to border or not to border, that is the question 

6. Broderie Perse Tree of Life: still quilting 

7. Cozy Cabin: I am going to take of the borders and trim so they fit better.

8. Summer Sampler: three done,  nine to go.  
Still irritated at QQ for messing up my schedule.

I have a couple of other projects that I started recently:
  1. orange circle quilt-just started this fall
  2. sparkle plenty-just started in December
  3. pinwheel quilt-just started in December

Monday, December 26, 2011

Pressies from my amazing swap partner!

I have to say that I was amazed by the contents of my Santa Sack!  As you can see, Barb does exquisite work.  Her stitches are exactly perfect and I love absolutely every bit!  After I opened my pressies, DH said Wow, Barb really went all out!  In the first picture you can see the table runner, a penny pocket stuffed with Cosmo  threads (which I have been dying to try), a charm pack of Happy Campers which is my all time favorite line of fabric, a darling pin cushion, a pattern and fat quarter for a wallet, a tote bag with mini squares and a huswif with another beautifully embroidered pin cushion-with needles, and scissors, rick rack, pins and two adorable wooden buttons!
 Here's a close up of some of the stitching on the runner.
 And here's a close of of the huswif.
 And look at this pincushion!
 Barb instructed me to open one package on Christmas eve.  She made placemats for each of us with our names on them!  My boyos were thrilled to be included Barb!
 And finally, take a look at this sweet bird!  She will keep me company at my sewing machine.
Barb, thank you so much for your incredibly beautiful and generous gifts.  I will treasure each and think of you every time I use them.

Santa Sack 2 gifties for Barb

What did I send Barb?  I hope she likes it as her gifts to me were just amazing!

  1. wrist pincushion
  2. scarlet today needles
  3. needlecase
  4. thread tin
  5. ME kit
  6. thread and bubbles
  7. birds
  8. wire quilt stand
  9. The final gift was a mini quilt to go one the stand.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Corners of my home

Second week of advent!  We're preparing inside and out for Christmas.
Aren't these cupcake potholders adorable?  They and the magazine are from my Australian Santa Swap partner, Barb.

 I made this mini wall hanging over the weekend.  I bought the kit at the Houston Quilt Festival from White Swan Quilts.  Too cute!
 These are a few Christmas aprons hanging in my kitchen.  The one in the middle I made with my sister years ago-maybe when I was still in high school.  The spotty one on the right I made for my  Gma.
I made this cookie advent calendar for the boyos a couple of years ago.  Red announced that Tig would pull cookies out of the bowl on the odd days and he would do the evens.  Good idea!
 These are plates I put up every December in my kitchen.  Most of them have St. Lucia on them and the other two have Swedish motifs.  I always get very Swedish this time of year!

We don't yet have up the Christmas tree but it is coming!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!