Thursday, November 05, 2009

My first BOM

Well, it's November. Where's my BOM?? I'm impatiently waiting for my first BOM from the Fat Quarter Shop. They said that it was so popular they are giving everyone in the BOM a gift certificate to the shop! Which is super cool as I need to buy the backing for this quilt and one for my DH.
Then, this morning, I couldn't find my confirmation for the BOM. Did I sign up? One email later confirmed that I had indeed signed up and that the first BOM should be out no later than Monday! I wonder which block we will start with? I hope it isn't the top left one. That looks involved. Actually a lot of those blocks look involved. Curses! What did I sign up for? Ah, well. It will all be worth it. And I really love that dear little house block.

1 comment:

sewtakeahike said...

hopefully you've gotten your block by now! :)

Blocks for the Saturday sampler

These are the latest blocks for the Saturday Sampler.  I made the one with the friendship star this morning.  I think it is really pretty.  ...