Monday, August 24, 2009

duck, duck, duck. . .

I started working on this quilt for T during my vacation at my sister's.  I've had a heck of a time with this quilt.  I ruined my blade on her cutting mat and even cut most of the original blocks too large because I didn't notice the difference in markings on her ruler.  Then when I got home I couldn't get the 45-degree angles right on the corners and the darn squares were smaller than the expected seven inches.
I kept ripping and re-sewing until I was afraid the fabric would fall apart.  I found a great tutorial on how to make the correct angles at the corners  so I've been using than method successfully.  However, my blocks were still under seven inches. 
Guess why?
My needle is out of alignment! And my quarter inch foot is no longer making a quarter inch seam!  The needle is actually rubbing up against the side of the foot.  I need to finish making all the squares so that they match.  Hopefully I won't ruin my machine by doing so.  I've got eight squares left to make.

La rentrée

Sort of. Red and Tig go year 'round at the Montessori school and DH and I are year 'round employees at our school so la rentrée is more symbolic for us than anything.

However, in celebration of the day I made this table runner. I bought it as a kit at Quakertown Quilts (and 20% off!). I like the little handprints and, of course, the chalkboard fabric is perfect for back to school.

I backed it with fabric handed down from my mom and I used batting remnants as well. Thrifty!

I figure I can use it during the summer with the strawberry side up if I want-it would look nice on a blue or red tablecloth.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Iraqi Bundles of Love

Got fabric? Got needles? Got any sewing paraphenalia? Iraqi Bundles of Love is looking for donations for this short term project.

It's a great way to de-stash. Just follow the bundling instructions on IBOL and head to the post office to send your Flat Rate Box to Art's APO address.

My mom just gave me a TON of supplies that she was going to toss (or worse, put in her garage). I'm going to load up some boxes and get them off.

I like this project because it's short term and something I can do easily when I mail off to Sister!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!