Saturday, March 08, 2008


We are all just filthy right now. DH and my brother spent the afternoon washing the siding on my parents' house. And I spent the afternoon going through one of my mother's closets. Yuck. She has eightymillion sheets, pillowcases, blankets etc. Even some that dont fit on any of their beds. I dumped the waterbedsheets in the trash. I wanted to throw out more stuff but I was afraid she would realize it. At least that is one closet off my list of things to do in '08.

On the upside I did find one more red gingham napkin from the set that my sister made. I think I have all four now.

Now, off to shower.

BTW: Love my DH. He spent the day washing MY parents' siding and then made us dinner and even smores for dessert. What a guy!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Ugh! I got rearended Monday on the way to work. Thankfully I had dropped the boyos off at their Montessori school. I would have completely freaked if they had been in the car. I was really dizzy and nauseous so my friend took me to the ER. I had a CT scan to make sure I didnt have a brain injury-so at least I know I have a brain! The ER dudes told me that I would have a Really Bad Day for the next few days. My neck and back are really stiff and sore and I can't even stitch for any length of time.

Grrr. I hope this is all settled quickly and easily. I just want my car back to the way it was.

Last night I let Red spend a little time stitching. He was so excited to do it and v. proud of his work. And Baby T showed off a new skill: he sat up unassisted!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tea towel

I finished my first tea towel for my sister. I bought the Raggedy Anne transfers from Pattern Bee and the ruffle rac was a free sample from the Making It Fun giveaway.

I hope to do all of these for my sister but I really need to lay my hands on some of the red check Ruffle Rac. Really, this stuff is lovely and has a great hand.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!