Monday, February 17, 2025

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!

Monday, February 10, 2025

February block

February block for the Saturday Sampler. I picked the wrong fabric at one point so I had to use my ooops kit.  I also managed to cut the dark blue points wrong so I had to hit the oooops kit again!

Some sewing

I cut and sewed on the stop border for the baby quilt.  I had planned to add a blue focus fabric border-wasn't sure on the width-but when I looked I had just enough blue left for the binding.  I'm going to do a slightly wider binding.  Quilt top is about 46 square which should fit nicely on some orange minky!

This next bit is in-progress.  It's the Parsonsfield QAL that Lori at Humble Quilts started in 2023.  I cannot find the darn fabric I bought from her expressly for this QAL so I started with some other fabric I had bought from her.  I also pulled a bunch from my Civil War stash.  Next up is a mess of four patches that are 2.5 square!

Well at least. . .

I got stuck in a traffic jam behind an accident for two hours . Fortunately I had my cross stitch with me. At least my borders met!! Yahoo M...