Monday, December 23, 2024

Yarning along

 I got out my swift and ball winder today and went to town.  I had more yarn to wind but my wrist was getting irritated so I called it a day.

Some of this yarn I bought for specific projects but who knows what they were! I'll try to do better in the future!

Sewing littles


Red asked for a book sleeve to keep paperbacks safe in his backpack.  The fabric was a fat quarter from Walmart. It was 99 cents but it washed up nicely. 


I also made three cases for my readers.  I keep a pair with each stitching project and I wanted something better than the little ziploc bag they came in. I used off cuts of soft and stable for padding.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Woven wreaths SAL

At last I completed the December block for the Woven Wreaths Stitch A Long.  I'm pleased I was able to keep up with the stitching and not leaving this as a UFO.  I'm planning to finish it as a little wall hanging.

In the mail!

I fervently hope this is the last thing I need to mail for Christmas.  The runner and two mug rugs are off to my aunt.  The bottom picture shows the one I gave to my QBFF this morning.  Pretty cute!

Also I used this self-binding tutorial.  It was very easy to follow and I will use it again.

Monday, December 16, 2024


I decided to make some snowman mug rugs for my aunt.  And then I though, ya know, it would be easy to make a little runner to go with them.  So here I am trying to decide how wide to make the borders.  the sashing between the blocks finishes at 3/4 inch.  I had borders that were 1.5 inches.  But it was too much white.  So I auditioned various widths and decided to cut the borders down to 3/4 inch too. The pattern is at Not So Plain Jane. I was planning to do self binding with the backing fabric but I don't think I will have enough fabric to do the runner and the mug rugs.  Guess I'll find out tonight.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Franken block

So I decided to try my hand at making Block 12 so I can finish sewing the Mineral Matrix top together.  We actually get the kit for Block 12 tomorrow but my QBFF convinced me to get going on my own version!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Getting closer

I started sewing the rows together.  It's going together well except for the triangles on the edges.  I never do those well.

I'm also trying to make Block 12 from just a picture.  It goes right in the middle of the quilt and I want to finish this sucker.  Well, there will be one more finishing kit this weekend for the borders. . .

Monday, December 02, 2024

Finishing kit No. 3

36 identical blocks for Finishing Kit No. 3.  This was some really boring sewing!  After completing these, I started pinning this rectangle blocks to all of the finished 12.5 inch monthly blocks as well as pinning to the blocks from Finishing Kit No. 1.  I got up early today and did some stitching before I left for work.  

We have one 12.5 inch block to receive in December.  Wouldn't you know it goes in the exact middle of the quilt??  My QBFF suggested I do the math and make it without the pattern so I can polish this off!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!