Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sewing here and there

So my sister called and asked if I had any book fabric (which made me laugh because I'm a librarian).  I had some different fabrics and this kit from Connecting threads.  She really like the blue and white book stacks fabric so while we were on the phone I started cutting out the pattern.  I figured if I had any leftover I could send it to her.  Well it turned out that Connecting Threads had accidentally sent me two fat quarters of that fabric and I only needed one! She was worried I would need the fabric but I told her I had already cut out what I needed.  She was really happy.  And isn't this little bookworm cute?? I haven't sewed his eyes on yet -need to check with my long armer. So cute!  

I'm thinking seriously of using the pattern to make a second book quilt.  My younger son, Tig, had two fantastic teachers in elementary school-he's in seventh grade now and still refers  to one of them as the best teacher ever.  So what if I made two of these for them?  It's a possibility.

I would use these fabrics:


Monday, August 10, 2020

Miss August

 Here is my block from August.  They cancelled our July block distribution which was really annoying.  Stupid Covid!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!