Monday, September 17, 2018

Springtime Showers

I can't remember when I started this but I love the fabrics.  The pattern is the Springtime Showers Mini quilt from Polka Dot Chair.  I've had the focus fabric forever-like ten years and never found the right project for it.  I'd like to make one for my sister as well using this fabric:
 I love it so much!!!!  I kinda want to make something with it for me too!!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Chocolatier update

 I like to keep myself motivated and realized I haven't touched this project in ages!  I got sidetracked by my nephew's eagle quilt-or maybe it was the Ramonas.  Anyway I made these blocks in February and never posted them.  I also cut out more blocks and they've been sitting on my cutting table ever since!  I need to just knock them out so I can finish this darn BOM. So to encourage myself I've made another checkoff jpg to keep me going.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

goose chase

As I am finishing up the binding on my nephew's eagle quilt, his sister has been talking more about her graduation quilt!  My Magpie will be graduating in December and she's really excited about her quilt.  I'm going to use this pattern, Goose Chase by Mark Lipinski.  This was published in Quilty magazine (July/August 2013).  Magpie has always liked flying geese blocks so this is the perfect quilt for her.

We went shopping yesterday (Labor Day sales) and bought seven  or eight different turquoise fabrics.  I'll sub turquoise for the black and red for the pink.  She also asked that I use a white on white text fabric instead of flat white.  Boy, that girl really knows what she wants!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!