Sunday, September 20, 2015

a whole lot of pj sewing this summer!

 This is my sister teaching Sarah how to sew.  Sarah loved her pjs and the top MaaMaa appliqued for her.   

Here I am teaching Surina how to show-she chose "nonfiction" fabric!

 And then my sister and I used left over fabric from her own pjs and Surina's to make little SoSo a pair-fiction and nonfiction legs!
And finally a pair of pjs for baby Samie.  We used this Dr Who fabric in two and a half pairs of pjs!  I opted to put elastic at the ankles of these as Samie is learning to crawl and I figure it will be more comfortable for her.

I also made a pair of pjs for Magpie out of the Dr Who van gogh fabric.  I cut the waist shorter as she usually wears pjs low on her hips-but I may have cut them too low.  I hope she is still able to wear them! That used up three yards of fabric-plus I have mostly sewing a pair each for my boyos!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!