Sunday, August 10, 2014

Took these pilgrims long enough. . .

I started these guys in 2010 and kept putting them in timeout because I couldn't get the checkerboard border right.  I made finishing this quilt a resolution for the year so this weekend I pulled them back out and got to work.  I added two additional colors to the border and remade a ton of squares.  This isn't completely perfect but at least it's done!

I'm really glad to have this finished.  I plan to quilt it with invisible thread in a cross-hatch pattern.

Saturday, August 02, 2014

a little bit of sewing

I haven't felt like sewing very much since I finished Dad's Dr Who quilt.  I'm glad I made it when I did because my dad passed away near the end of June.  My mom gave me his quilt back-and Magpie keeps teasing for it!  She does give my spirits a lift.

My sister came and stayed with mom for a few weeks.  While she was here we worked on a quilt she's making for our youngest niece.
Sister isn't a quilter (although she has made a couple really nice ones) and I was surprised she chose a pattern with the nine patches on point.  We finished the top and found that the batting she purchased was too small so I dug a larger piece out of my stash.  Then we found out that the backing was too small.  We threw in the towel then and sat down and had tea and scones.  ;-)

We had a baby shower for one of my staff yesterday so I really needed to make her a quilt.  She's doing the nursery in owls and purple so Magpie and I searched JoAnns for the right fabric. Well, once we found these owls we knew we had a winner!

She really liked the quilt and I made sure she knew it was to be used!  Don't keep it for best.  I love seeing a little kid dragging around a quilt I've made them.  I made a dragon sweater for my nephew when he was little and was thrilled when my sister said he wore it continually-she had to chase him down to get it in wash.

I'm hoping to really get back to sewing but, really, all I want to do today is go back to bed and curl up under dad's quilt.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!