Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A finish!

Magpie finished her quilt for her little sister.  Isn't she cute??

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

been knitting

 So apparently, 'tis the season to be knitting.  This is the second edition of a baby hat for the family caboose.  I had to rip out the first edition because it was too small.  This is the best pic I could get because this little girl is never still!
 This is a chevron hat for Magpie.  The pattern is from a Simply Knitting magazine.  Pretty much knitted this one twice as well-the chart was wrong in the magazine.  I really should trust my instincts when I'm knitting.

This is bad pic of a quick scarf I knit for my other niece-two strands of yarn knit together on size 19 needles.  She was thrilled!  Hmmm, all of this knitting is for nieces!  I actually do have one other knitting project to show-I knit dad a new Harry Potter scarf.  Need to get a pic of that one!

Thursday, January 02, 2014

First projects of the year!

Magpie decided it was time for us to knock out the tooth fairy pillows for the Mafia.  So we did!

I also figured out my goals for 2014:
  1. Follow the No S diet rules
  2. Finish my Pilgrims quilt
  3. replace my horrible sofa
  4. replace my horrid carpet
Sounds doable!

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!