Monday, January 28, 2013

Three Golden Rings!

The wonderful House-elf created a special way to commemorate the Craft Olympics.  She mailed each participant  the instructions, wreath form, and our allotment of olympic rings to complete the project!  As you can see, I was awarded three golden rings!  Thank you House-elf!  I haven't made my project yet-this is a picture of the picture she sent with the instructions and my golden rings!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thank you Kathy!

Kathy Schmitz recently held a give-away for mini charm packs of her new line, Round Robin.  Boy, was I thrilled to receive one!  I can't wait to play with this adorable pack.  The colors are great.  Thank you so much Kathy!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I've been wanting to make this Schnibble for a very long time.  This is my test block for Madeline.  I'm using French General Rouenneries-obviously!  French General has a particular shade of red that I just love.  I would decorate my whole house in it if I could.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Finished! (finally!)

My first finish of 2013!  I hate to say how long I've been working on this one but I'm really pleased to have finished it.  I was hoping to finish this penny rug along with my Sparkle Plenty quilt for Christmas this year.  Of course, getting sick slowed me down but now they are both finished.  I'm happy about both!

Borders and Goals

So far I have:

Put the borders on this quilt (60x78):
 And on this quilt:
 I also have cut and pinned the backing to my penny rug:
I think I have enough time to blanket stitch this on tonight and then it will be my first Finish of 2013!  I still have some UFOs that I really want to finish.  I'm tired of counting them as UFOs! I'm back to work in the morning but at least I'm not sick anymore and I did actually get some things done over this break.

Goals this year:

Solve the border issues:

  Finish these two:
Need to finish the quilting on this and, yes, get the borders on:

Cozy cabin: either redo the border or just quilt it!

I also really want to make the Madeline Schnibble this year-I'd love to have it for February. 

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!