Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Sample week 2

Summer Sampler Week 2! (And I did fix block 1-I just couldn't stand it!) Sorry for the crooked picture, I was tired when I took the pic.

And here are the blocks I sent off for the Jo Morton block exchange.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Sampler

Quakertown Quilts is holding a Weekly Summer Sampler for twelve weeks. Each week you can buy the fabric and pattern for $3. The blocks finish at 9 inches. I just finished this week's block.As you can see, this Sampler will be Christmassy! One of the print blocks isn't going in the same direction as the others. Am trying not to obsess over it, am trying not to rip it out and re-sew. . .

Saturday, June 18, 2011

On my vacation this year. . .

We spent most of the week up at the lake-swimming, kayaking and going off my diet. (There may have been a box of Milk Duds involved.) My husband bought me some loot at the Heavenly Threads Quilt Shop in Trinity. I have really been wanting the Civil War Sewing Circle book-am really glad to have it. The two panels there have tools all over them-had to get two for my tool obsessed boyos! I was also happy to get some Scarlet Today needles. I really like those for stitching on muslin. I started on a stitchery while at the lake and lost a good needle. I'll post a pic of that when I get further along.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!