I rose early the next morning, had to have it all done before class, and cut the batting and the backing. Moved everything to the kitchen table and began to pin. Then I stabbed myself with one of the pins and began to bleed on the quilt! Why yes, I did freak out. I tried to get the blood out but found I was still dripping blood on to the quilt!
All was not lost. Sanity prevailed and I backed away from the quilt. Washed my hands and took myself back to the sewing room and did the rest of my homework and packed up my machine and all the etc for my class. That done, I washed my hands, examined them for bleeding(!), and finished pinning the quilt.
Quilting is supposed to be fun, right? Well, at class my teacher complimented me on my layout. And when we were doing the free motion practice on our samples she told me I didn't need to practise and I could go ahead and get to work. That made me feel a lot better! Especially because, at 42, I am the baby of the class and they think I know absolutely nothing!
Of course, they do know one thing I don't: Bring your doggone glasses so you can see what you are doing!!!!!