Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt Shoppe: It's a Happy Halloween Giveaway!

Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt Shoppe: It's a Happy Halloween Giveaway!

Pumpkin Patch Giveaway

Well, I was clicking a long and came across this GiveAway at Pumpkin Patch Primitives. She's giving away fat quarter bundles and even possibly a $100 gift certificate to her store. I had not read this blog before nor seen the store. I'm going to go look now. The fabric is gorgeous!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Magpie's Bag

Magpie finished her bag last weekend:

And the proud quilter and seamstress!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Down the primrose path. . .

Magpie (dear niece #2) spent the day with us yesterday. We went off for Saturday coffee, stopped at JoAnns so I could get some more autumnal decorations, and went to my parents' church for their fall festival that they call HopeFest. It was a little disappointing this year. Very few vendors and they aren't having the children's games until today (and I am working this afternoon). They did have a tearoom so we had a nice lunch. Afterwards we went off to the resale shops. My DM and Magpie were looking for some jeans and I was looking for a costume for Tig. Red is going to be a fireman for Halloween and every fireman needs a dalmatian, right? I scored at the second shop and found a practically new dalmatian costume for $9.99! SCORE! We headed off home afterwards to enjoy hot fudge sundaes.

Magpie helped me get out all of the autumn decorations. (I asked DH if there was enough folk art out. heh heh) Then she was agitating to do a project. I was seriously tired at this point and just sent her off to the nee-nee room. She started pawing through my scraps and decided to make a new bag. She managed to piece one side and I donated a fat q of this adorable tree fabric (I found it at the FIFTH JoAnn's I visited. Note to self: if it catches your eye every time you visit a store buy the damn fabric!). She also made the lining out of some leftovers from the duvet cover we made her recently.We ran out of time to finish and I need to get some webbing for the straps but she's hooked!!!!!!!!! My dear Magpie will be a obsessed quilter any day now.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!