Monday, September 28, 2009

He liked it!!!

This weekend was my Gma's 85th birthday so the family converged to celebrate. I had additional reason to celebrate: Thing Two was ready for my cousin and cousin-in-law! He really seemed to like it and I was so pleased. The colours are a total departure for me-I'm a folk kinda girl-but he was really happy. His mom is a quilter so he knows the effort that goes into a quilt-and of course his wife is a Crafty Girl herself. I wonder if I'm odd but I think I like the back of the quilt best. Just that single red block. My mom and Gma laughed at me because I said I was still on time with their wedding gift because "it isn't their first anniversary yet." LOL

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shall we call it soft sculpture?

Finished in time for my Gma's 85th birthday this weekend!!!!!!!!!!! Am v. pleased. Was not pleased, however, by DH's comment last night that he really doesn't like folk art.


First I find out he doesn't like Stevie Ray Vaughan and now this??

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I spent the first two days of this week at a conference in Austin. I love Austin and UT is my alma mater. The pic below is the view from my hotel room window. An inspiring sight for any UT alum!
I was able to have dinner with my dear cousin and his bride Bucket Of Joy. I had only gotten to meet her for about two seconds at their wedding so it was a pleasure to spend a few hours in their company. I gave her a crochet hook as she's wanting to make the Babette afghan but we didn't have any time for a lesson.
Below is a pic of the Main Tower at night. If my bed had been on the other side of the room I would have kept the draperies open so I could fall asleep looking at the tower.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Why didn't someone warn me?

Stamp carving is addictive. I made my first one on Wednesday:In case you can't tell, it's a bunny with a book. I had been planning on making one for Red but this guy pushed ahead of that one. It's for my best friend from graduate school. We recently reconnected on facebook and had lunch together and this is the result. I will be mailing him off today. Here's a close up:

Last night I made one for Red who was thrilled. I'm planning on using it to stamp fabric for the backing of the doll quilt I will make him for Christmas. The boyos are going to be getting waldorf dolls and they will need quilts, right?

Monday, September 14, 2009


Latest Project:

An angel doll kit from Plum Creek Collectibles. I bought this last fall the the Quilt Festival in Houston. My boyos love the doll, even though she has no features at all! I'm really glad they did because I am going to be making Waldorf dolls for them for Christmas.

Above is the appliqué for the doll's dress. Or, since she's an angel, raiment. I haven't done any wool appliqué since last December when I finished my Christmas tree skirt (also from Plum Creek). I love doing it. Plum Creek will be at the quilt show again this year and I can't wait to see what new projects she's come up with!

Friday, September 11, 2009


The IBOLGuy was thanking all of the participants today for our efforts. So far he has 1921 bundles-and pallets worth of bundles on the way. This little idea of his becomes more beautiful with each update.

It is a blessing for those in Iraq who are about to receive some heartfelt gifts from us, both for IBOL and Old Mother Hubbard. It is also a blessing to us, to be able to share, to give, to be part of something bigger than ourselves.

Thank you IBOLGuy, for giving us this opportunity to reach out to our fellow quilters, knitters, and crafters in Iraq.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sarah Had a Birthday

My princess niece had a birthday. She is a tiny, tiny little person.

The bunny is a Wee Wonderfuls pattern. The quilt is one I made messing around with my serger. The little bag is reversible to the strawberry stripe.

She wasn't too thrilled when she opened the package but after having cake she was running around the house sticking all her birthday loot into the bag.

Guess she likes it!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

This fabric makes me laugh

It's a fabric line I found at It's stash! It makes me snicker every time I look at it. I may have to get some just for the laugh.

A little stitching

Red let me do a little boro inspired sashiko stitching on his denim jacket!  I love having a son that likes stitching!